Coming Soon

It is crazy to think that just 12 months ago TEAKSPORTS didn't exist. By putting you at the centre of our business we have been able to find the solutions to your problems. Whether that is finding the motivation to get started or whether it is helping you to find the next level of your fitness.

To build on the tradition we have started what is coming up for you in the next couple of months:

  1. Special Fitness Starter Pack - SAVING 50% - Within the starter pack you will have everything you need to get the routines in place to push yourself when you are just not feeling it. You will get 1 x Elite Training Mask, 1 x (9-in-1) Push Up Board and 1 x Base Layer. This is for a limited time only!
  2. New Partnership - Moving into the New Year TEAKSPORTS has partnered up with the best Essential Oil Manufacturer. This will allow TEAKSPORTS to offer you more in the way of PRE & POST workout solutions.
  3. Training Videos - In addition to the products which are being offered we are going to be releasing "The Masked Coach" training series completely free. This will give you amazing content and training regimes to push your training to new levels. The finishing touches are being put together now. If you'd like to find out more about it visit:

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