Yoga, Yoga In Bed, Yoga Morning -

Morning Yoga by Shy Shayar

How Do You Start Your Mornings?

Your morning routine is the most important routine. How you start the day sets the tone for the rest of the day. As you know life is short so it is highly important that you enjoy every single day. Your morning routine can cheer you up if you haven't slept well or woken up in a mood, your morning routine can give you the energy you need to get through the long day and most importantly your morning routine can give you the health and fitness benefits you want.

When I first started building Yoga into my morning routine I really wasn't sure that it was going to help. The reason I wasn't sure was because I felt I would have to get up earlier to integrate it in. However, what I have found is after the first few days this wasn't the case.

The first thing we all want to do in the morning is stretch. Now imagine doing meaningful stretches for your body, that allow you to be stretch the right muscles in the right way whilst also lying in bed, now doesn't that just sound perfect?

Being new to Yoga in general (not just bed Yoga) made me cautious to not expect too much from my body. Before adding Yoga to my routine my mornings were painful.

  • Muscle pains from exercise
  • Bad back from sleeping funny
  • Sore neck from poor posture
  • Weak core
  • General bad mood

You know the feeling when you wake up early in the morning the last thing you want to do is exercise because your body is fight you. This was the case with me. At least once a week I would suffer from one of the 5 mentioned above. This just put me in a bad mood.

Thats why I decided to try something different.

Being able to carryout Yoga in my bed, actually allowed me to:

  • Become stronger
  • Become my flexible
  • Become closer to my partner
  • Become happier
  • Improve posture

The most important one of those for me was becoming closer to my partner. It was amazing to see how we now both react in the mornings. When one of us is not feel it, we are able to work as a team and push each other to improve. It puts a smile on our faces and a real sense of achievement.

Steps to integrating Bed Yoga into your morning routine:

  1. The first few mornings wake up 15-30 minutes earlier than normal
  2. Give yourself a little reminder
  3. Carry out the stretches (click video for more)
  4. Reward yourself on completion
  5. Have a great day

Enjoy your Yoga

Tom Kelly

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